Sport Development Leader Sven
Saturday, December 7, 2013In the news report of December we would like to introduce our second Sport Development Leader: Sven Ermens.
The Sport Develops You Foundation is very happy with Sven. He has more than four years sport education, and eight years experience as a PE teacher. Traveling around the world is his passion; because of this he started to get interested in sports and development work.
The Sport Develops You Foundation supports young ambitious people who have a dream to help others. After a chat with Rolf and Maarten, Sven decided to take up this challenge, giving up his job in the Netherlands and devoting his skills to the children in Foratelza, Brasil.
SDYF gave Sven the SDYF Bracelets. Sven sold many of them. That’s how he saved the money for his living budget in Brazil. Besides this, he has created a budget for SDYF: Sven brought sponsors to SDYF like Oomen Advocatuur and t’ Halve Maentje.
Before departure Sven en Maarten made goals for the period that Sven is going to work for our partner ARCA. Sven also received from The SDY Foundation a manual with useful information about the work.
Sport Development Leader Rolf picked up Sven at the airport on November 14th. In those first days Sven met directly with the kids from ARCA. In last month’s news report you were reading about the work that Rolf did. It’s Sven’s main job to continue those activities.
In the next news report you will find an update about the results that Sven has booked.
End of November Rolf left Brazil for the Netherlands. In 2014 he will return to Brazil. If possible Rolf is going to do activities for Sport Develops You in Netherland.
Keep posted about what Sven did recently. Follow him on twitter:
Sven: @svenermens
Also Rolf and Maarten are on twitter:
Rolf: @GoedMail
Maarten: @deKruijfMaarten